Notary Transactions for Foreigners, 21.01.2025

Notary transactions for foreignersApplication must be made in person

*Only individual applications are accepted. Application as a foreign legal entity is not possible.

*Notary transactions for foreign individuals are restricted with the following content:

  • Power of attorney (POA)for property sales
  • Power of attorney (POA)for divorce procedures
  • Pledge regarding propertysales
  • Testament
  • Deed of gift
  • Prenuptial agreement
  • Child recognition
  • Inheritance divisionagreement

*To apply for the above-mentioned transactions; please follow the steps below (1-6).

1) Passport (original and 2 copies)

2) Turkish translations of the passport by Turkish Embassy registered sworn translators. (2 copies)


3) Legal agent’s Turkish ID number (In case the legal agent is an attorney, address, the name of the bar that he/she is affiliated and bar registration number are also required)

4) Applicants are required to apply personally to Embassy/Consulate General, and accompanied by one of the sworn translators.If applicant speaks Turkish at native speaker level, the sworn translator is not required accompany the applicant.

5) Two photographs (size 3x3 / 3.5x4.5 cm).

6) Fees vary depending on the number of words in the notary document.


Notarization transactions which are not above-mentioned list are subject to the following procedure:

Other notarization transactions (Application can be made either in person or via mail

Applications as an individual or legal entities are acceptable.Please take the following stepsbelow (1-5):

1) Get prepared your document/Power of Attorney (POA) at a Notary Public (KOUSHOYAKUBA
) according to the existing Japanese regulations in Japanese or English

2) Get an “Apostille” on your notarized document from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

3)Turkish translation of the documents with Apostille and your passport are required. The translations should be done by Turkish Embassy registered sworn translators.(2 copies)



5)Red Letter Pack(Pre-paid return envelope). Please write your postal address to receiver section.


Monday - Friday

09:00 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 18:00

Application Hours for Consular Services: 09.00-12:30 14:00-16:00
12/30/2024 1/3/2025 New Year Day
1/13/2025 1/13/2025 Coming of Age
2/11/2025 2/11/2025 Foundation Day
2/23/2025 2/24/2025 Emperor's Birthday
3/20/2025 3/20/2025 Vernal Equinox Day
3/30/2025 3/30/2025 Eid al-Fitr 
4/29/2025 4/29/2025 Showa Day
5/3/2025 5/3/2025 Constitution Day
5/5/2025 5/5/2025 こどもの日
5/6/2025 5/6/2025 Green day
6/6/2025 6/6/2025 Eid al-Adha
7/21/2025 7/21/2025 海の日
8/11/2025 8/11/2025 Mountain Day
9/15/2025 9/15/2025 Respect for the Aged Day
9/23/2025 9/23/2025 Autumnal Equinox Day
10/13/2025 10/13/2025 Health and Sports Day
10/29/2025 10/29/2025 Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Republic of Türkiye
11/3/2025 11/3/2025 Culture Day
11/23/2025 11/24/2025 Labour Thanksgiving Day